Here we share the episode overview, guest contact details and any references made in each episode.
You can get in touch with Debbie to share your reflections or ask a question on debbie.wayth@futureultd.co.uk

Series 1, Episodes 1-8 - Reflections on Leading in the Pandemic, Summer 2020
Released Summer 2020
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In the first series of TeamTime Debbie Wayth explored dilemmas and challenges experienced by many leaders and teams during the height of the pandemic in the summer of 2020.
Over eight episodes she explores in her candid and human way the sometimes uncomfortable topics such as leading in uncertainty, recognising our relationship with control and the 'corona-coaster' of emotions. This short series also includes three episodes dedicated to exploring race inequity in the workplace and society, as Debbie faces her own white privilege at a time when discrimination and injustices are again at the forefront of our hearts and minds. When good intentions are clearly no longer enough, and action is also required.
For Series 1 references and links please click here.

Series 2, Episode 1 - Introduction to Work at the Team & Setting up Well
Released 4th May 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this first episode of TeamTime Table Talks, your host Debbie Wayth sets the foundation for this guested series, by sharing her core concepts when working with teams, and how to 'contract' well in this often complex work. Debbie invites you to work alongside the series as you consider your own work at the team level, and apply some of the micro-practices or techniques recommended in every episode.
You can get in touch with Debbie on debbie.wayth@futureultd.co.uk
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 2 - Work at the Team Level and The Role of Facilitator with guest Howard Atkins
Released 11 May 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode of TeamTime Table Talks, your host Debbie Wayth talks with fellow practitioner Howard Atkins to explore his work at the team level, and the many hats of the facilitator. Howard shares his vast experience of OD and leadership to bring insight to what makes a ‘healthy’ team, with the ultimate aim of more effective and enjoyable teams. His challenge to us all is to be 10% braver in our teams. What would this look like for you?
You can get in touch with Howard on howard@gameshift.co.uk or in LinkedIn here.
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 3 - The View from HR: A Key Stakeholder in Work in Teams with guest Catherine Green
Released 18 May 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode, Debbie speaks with Catherine Green, an experienced HR Director to hear her perspective of what’s important for leaders and teams just now. Catherine brings the important view from HR on the work we do with teams – for community and performance – and shares her experience of what’s key in this work, whilst challenging us as practitioners to be more flexible and better reflect changing work practices. How would your practice measure up against this challenge?
To get in touch with Catherine on LinkedIn here.
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 4 - Expanding Autonomy to Thrive in Uncertain Times
Released 25 May 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode of TeamTime Table Talks, your host Debbie Wayth talks with Professor of Practice in Leadership and Psychology Trudi West to explore her work with leaders and teams, and how we can best support our teams to shift from surviving to thriving.
We talk about the importance of the lost ‘transitional’ space between work and home, as well as learn from Trudi’s research into the key capabilities essential in high-performing teams. We ask, if humanity is the mortar in organisations and teams, how strong is yours?
To get in touch with Trudi email trudi.west@ashridge.hult.edu
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 5 - What's the purpose of Purpose in Teams?
Released 1 June 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode of TeamTime Table Talks, your host Debbie Wayth talks with chartered psychologist, OD practitioner and author, Sarah Rozenthuler, on why purpose in teams is important and how she brings this to life through a focus on the quality of conversations and a systemic orientation.
Sarah reflects on the intangible aspects of work with teams - from the physical room set up to the psychological safety within the group to unlock the collective intelligence of the team. How clear is the purpose of your team?
To get in touch with Sarah you can email
sarah@bridgeworkconsulting.com or check out her website
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 6 - Bringing a Strategic Focus to Work in Teams
Released 8 June 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode of TeamTime Table Talks, your host Debbie Wayth talks with practitioner Stefan Cousquer about strategy work in teams. Stefan shares his reflection that most of the issues related to strategy conversations are about relationships with very human issues like power and trust. Stefan shares his experience and talks us through one of the models he uses to help teams develop a shared language and understanding that not only identifies future options but also the important plays and capabilities to bridge the present and the future.
This isn’t lofty, idealist work but conversations rooted in the real world, that make a difference to how we view the world and the role of team and our organisations in it. How do your team shape up in your strategy conversations?
To get in touch with Stefan email stefan.cousquer@ashridge.hult.edu
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 7 - Partnering with Nature in Work with Teams
Released 15 June 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode of TeamTime Table Talks, your host Debbie Wayth talks with practitioner Lesley Roberts on the role nature plays in team work - expanding the capacity for awareness at the team level, and individually. Such critical insights at this time.
Lesley shares the various ways she partners with nature in her coaching work, and why this isn't about building rafts and dens of days gone by. This work feels powerful and revealing - from both an inner and outer perspective - with the potential for transformation.
To get in touch with Lesley email her on lesley@braveconversations.co.uk
www.braveconversations.co.uk or on LinkedIn here.
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 8 - How Neuroscience Shapes our Behaviour
Released 22 June 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode your host Debbie Wayth talks with neuroscience practitioner Tibisay Vera who shares how neuroscience is important for leaders and in teams to understand, particularly when facing change or uncertainty. Our biochemical reactions are both shaped by our thinking and shape how we think, and behave, through neuroplasticity. Tibisay encourages us to purposely form habits for healthy neurobiology, and shares tips on how to do this - from movement, opening windows and exercise. She introduces us to the concept of 'neurococktails' and the importance of our biochemistry matching the nature of the task. What we need for detailed planning in terms of biochemistry and brain wave state is pretty different than when we need new insights or an openness to change. If you're interested in what shapes your behaviour, this is the episode for you!
To get in touch with Tibisay email her on tibi.vera@ane.academy or
www.sparklingperformance.com or linkedin.com/in/tibisay-vera
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 9 - Mindfulness in Teams
Released 29 June 2021
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In this episode I speak with guest Michael Chaskalson, a master practitioner in mindfulness and pioneer in bringing mindfulness to leadership and organisations. Michael explains what mindfulness is - both at an individual and team level - and the benefits to us of paying attention to the quality of our attention and intention in the moment, particularly at times of uncertainty. We explore whether there is a team mind, and what it feels like when team's are at 'flow', when the quality of their noticing of how they are together heightens their ability for psychological safety, innovation and connection. Michael embodies a spirit of non-judgment, curiosity and acceptance, a mindful way in the world that is both appealing and revealing. Thank you Michael for a great conversation.
To get in touch with Michael email him on michael@mindfulnessworks.com or
www.mindfulnessworks.com or on LinkedIn here.
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 10 - A Gestalt approach to Work in Teams
Released 6 July 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode I speak with Gestalt practitioner Marie-Anne Chidiac on why having an orientation when working with teams and change is so important. Marie-Anne explains what a Gestalt approach is and walks us through the 'cycle of experience' and some key concepts in Gestalt, and how they're used with teams. We talk about the role of the facilitator and the importance of contracting well, and supervision when we're using ourselves as vehicles in this work. If you've ever wondered what a Gestalt approach to OD is this is the episode for you!
To get in touch with Marie-Anne you can email her on mac@relationalchange.org or check out her website www.relationalchange.org
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 11 - An Artistic approach to Work in Teams with Dr Steve Marshall
Released 13 July 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode I speak with Dr Steve Marshall about his art-based approach to working with organisations. He talks about us all having a 'picture' in our heads of how we see the world, and how this influences our choices and decisions. Steve believes bringing art as a process with our teams and organisations allows us to access far more broadly than cognitive alone. Steve's interest is in exploring people's sense of identity, the quality of relationships and connections and how we process what we see in the world. Whilst using art scares many people, it is also such an accessible way to start exploring within our teams, to unpack really complex conversations and step toward diversity, humanity and beauty.
To get in touch with Steve you can email him on
Steve.marshall@photo-dialogue.com or check out his website
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 12 - Letting Go and Improvising more in Teams with guest Alex Steele
Released 20 July 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this episode I speak with jazz musician and organisational consultant Alex Steele who bridges the world of onstage improvised musicianship with how we work in our teams and organisations. Alex has a passion for how we engage with the unexpected - recognising both our preferences and habits that have likely brought us success before and that we likely have to let go some of what we 'know' or do to make way for what might come. This episode really struck a chord for the behaviours and bravery needed in organisational life to suspend judgment, listen better and build rather than block energy and ideas as we engage with the unexpected. Not driven by fear, but to expand our humanity for beauty and value.
To get in touch with Alex email him on alex@gameshift.co.uk
For episode references, click here.

Series 2, Episode 13 - When Change starts with Ourselves with guest Dominic Houlder
Released 27 July 2021
![[Original size] TeamTime.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b95a2a_f648691ee29644818caa8a2b418548fa~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_153,h_153,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20TeamTime.png)
In this penultimate episode to the second series, I speak with Dominic Houlder, adjunct Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School. Our conversation weaves between strategy, philosophy, leadership and teams as we explore the 'stormy' weather around us. Dominic reflects that none of us are impervious to change to stay relevant and engaged and talks of the level of reflection he's in with on a Board to adapt and 'tune-in' to what's actually happening and needed in their team. Dominic is one of life's big thinkers, integrating ideas and thinking across the many worlds he inhabits - and hearing his view on the role, purpose and phases in team work was fascinating. I hope you enjoy it too.
To get in touch with Dominic email him on dominic.houlder@virgin.net or check out his website www.dominichoulder.com or LinkedIn profile.
For episode references, click here.